Minggu, 11 Maret 2012


*Emotional quotion or we are familiar with EQ is an ability to understand the environment and do the action logically according to the norms, and the rules, and the morality manners. This skill are through the long process to be mature. This emotions skills is the bridge for what we know and what we should do.
So? What are the point? According to Daniel Goldman, he is an expert of EQ, at least there are 5 basics of emotion’s skills. The are:
1.       Self awareness
·         Aware about the strengths and weakness
·         Making right decision
·         To be realistic and confident
·         Believe about abilities
2.       Self management
·         Life’s problem managements
·         Having awareness but not sensitive
·         Self control
·         Being tough to wake up after being down
3.       Self encoregement
·         Strong desire
·         Spirited and not easily frustrated
·         Empathy
·         To feel what people feel
·         Get along well and trustable
·         Adaptable easily
4.       Social skill
·         Able to be wise for certain situation
·         Being interactive
·         Influential and being the leader
·         Respect other people’s opinion
·         Able to overcome the problems
·         Able to have  team work
What is it for?
This emotion’s skill is very good for achieving your dreams and careers. The higher your dream is ... the more important this emotion’s skill will be. As a matter of fact, our EQ is more flexible to make our dream come true.
Let us see the functions of this  emotion’s learning. They’re,:
1.       Someone will have good relationship with the society because of being open minded and pleasant
2.       Someone will have a positive attitude to avoid something harmful for themselves like smoking, being alcoholic, and drugs
3.       Someone will have the ability to understand the emotions information in our surrounding like the ability to know some signs such as “Im getting sick” or “your words hurt me”
4.       Someone can avoid any conflict, fighting and violance

So, how to develop this emotions skill?
The most important is having regular exercise
Ø  Being good listener
Ø  More discussion
Ø  Learning how to understand people and their emotions
Ø  Be more patient to hold the emotion to face any problem
Ø  Be more open minded person
Ø  Easy to say YES for something poritive
Ø  Dare to face the problem
So? What is it to do with english learning in pare?
Well, it is a small village with the big vision. With so many limits and simplicity, pare has proven able to be the centre of english learning, even it is the first breaktrought of indonesia. It has made me feeling proud to be part of this community.
PARE, is the real practice of bhineka tunggal ika, the students come from all around indonesia , from sabang to merauke. In the different tribes and different education background, but they have the same mission and vision also the same interest. There are some reasons because having the power of kepepet, but many also came here with the reasons the power of iming iming.
If i may say, by and large they came here with high target and short time. And here we go, the importand of having emotioanal skill. It is needed to support the learning. Adapting with the hot weather, a very simple conditions, the food option, cycling, and a very tight schedule day and night. We often found the fact that many student have studying shock at culture shock as well. Some students they can stand even much longer but some also decided to turn over. I myself think that english learning is steps the student will achieve, certainly with a hard work and creativity minds because english is not something instant like a noodle done in 5 minutes. So the most important is the willingness nd not the skills. That is the great statements student can bear in their mind at the first learning english. English is a communication’s skill, it is how to interact and get a long with other people. The first important step is having confident to start making a move. If only there are some mistakes happened. Believe it, it’s part of the peroccess. Because success is the process and not the destination. Good luck my dear friends

my teacher in daffodils

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